How to Change to Base Products When Super-Res Is Delayed

Many have messaged us whenever the Super-Res products are showing a delay. Sometimes, the image is shown as being up to 20 minutes late and is designated by the time being red. This latency issue is caused by transferring Super-Res products from the servers that create them to the web servers that provide them to RadarScope. The products are being generated, but the process to transfer them is intermittent. Luckily, there is a fix for this.

When Super-Res products are showing old data, you can still get the latest RadarScope images by simply switching over to Base products. Just click on the product name to bring up the list of all available products, then choose Base Reflectivity or Base Velocity.


Changing Data View

While the Base products look a little blocky and pixelated, the data is still viable and able to be used to know where storms and warnings are currently located.

Base Reflectivity

Our Support team is working hard to fix this issue whenever it appears. The problem is usually intermittent and it is best to occasionally check back and see if the Super-Res products are working. Do not expect this to be a common problem.


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